A law firm dedicated to Labour Law

A law firm dedicated to Labour Law


AUDALYS is a law firm dedicated to Labour and employment law.

The founding partners have been united for many years by the enjoyment of working together and by a strong bond of trust, both technically and personally. Their primary goal is to provide their clients with premium services while striving for technical excellence.


AUDALYS advises French and international companies on Labour law, human resources management and labour-related disputes.

AUDALYS aims to provide customised solutions, without “prefabricated” products. Our guiding principles are flexibility, availability and creativity.


AUDALYS defends the interests of companies in litigation proceedings before civil and administrative jurisdictions (Labour Courts, Judicial Courts, Administrative Tribunals).


Labour law, human resources management and labour-related litigation


    • Preparation and management of employment contracts
    • Termination management
    • Conflicts/negotiations
    • Litigation
    • Senior executives – company officers
  • AUDALYS advises companies in every step of their restructuration project:

    • Projet design: alternative solutions (collective redundancy agreement, voluntary departure plans, collective performance agreements, partial activity, outsourcing, etc.)
    • Economic rationale for the project
    • Health-safety impact of the project and preventive measures, setting up of social support measures tailored to each situation, implementation schedule…
    • Information-consultation procedure of staff representatives
    • Assistance with using the RUPCO website (employment ministry website)
    • Negotiation/contestation of decisions regarding the obligation to revitalize

    Using its experience, AUDALYS has also forged long-standing partnerships with recognized experts in their fields (communication and crisis management consultancy, external reclassification, revitalization, and buyer search, etc.).

    AUDALYS is therefore capable of coordinating the intervention of its partners to assist companies with the non-legal aspects of a project, which are essential to ensure its success:

    • Internal and external communication (Manager training, crisis simulation and media training, design of communication tools, press releases, etc.)
    • Institutional communication (local elected officials, DREETS, Prefecture, etc.)
    • Social support for restructuring: employment basin analysis, setup of information advice points, psychological support unit, employment antennas – external reclassification, retraining actions
    • Search for buyers
    • Management of relations with staff representatives
    • Collective agreements, company/establishment-wide agreements
    • Organization of working time
    • Employee savings plans (profit-sharing, incentives, company savings plans…)
    • Legal reorganisations, mergers-acquisitions, restructuring plans
    • Labour audit
    • Conflicts/negotiations
    • Litigation
    • Risk evaluation
    • Delegation of authority
    • Crisis management
    • “Inexcusable conduct” disputes


Assistance with audits from social security organisations (URSSAF in particular) and any related disputes.









Jean-Baptiste CESSIO


New clients are received at the Firm for a first meeting which enables them to meet the lawyer or lawyers who will be in charge of their affairs, introduce themselves and to define their needs, problems, and the type of services they expect.

This first meeting subsequently makes it possible to define fees in conjunction with the client, based on the files entrusted, the type of dispute, and the difficulty of the case.

A fees agreement will then be drawn up and concluded between the lawyer and the client, which sets out the principles governing the payment of fees.

In addition to the provision which must be paid by the client at the outset, calls for provisions may be issued periodically, depending on the services carried out and the status of the case.

Fees may be calculated according to three methods:

  • The time spent in connection with a given service, the lawyer being required to inform the client of his hourly rate and that of the other persons involved in the file (partners, associates).

    The client may at any time request a detailed statement of time spent and of services rendered.

  • Under this arrangement, the lawyer charges his client a lump sum for all services which he must provide. This sum may not be exceeded without the client’s consent.

  • The lawyer’s remuneration for his services may be increased by a supplementary “success” fee. The definition of “success” must be clearly set out when the contract is signed. This success fee is based on the sums obtained by the client or the savings made thanks to the lawyer’s services.

    However, by law, the total fees of a file may not depend solely on a successful outcome.

    The client also bears the expenses incurred by the lawyer in connection with the file (travelling expenses, accommodation, procedural costs, etc.).

Feel free to reach us,

we'll be glad to answer any of your question


phone: +33 (0)1 84 25 75 90
fax: +33 (0)1 84 79 11 25
email: contact@audalysavocats.com
174 Avenue Victor Hugo, 75116 PARIS

Subway/RER: Charles de Gaulle-Étoile (A, 1, 2, 6)


Avocat associé

  • Avocat au Barreau de Paris (prestation de serment 1993)
  • DESS Droit des affaires / Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise (DJCE) Université Robert SCHUMAN de Strasbourg (1989)
  • Maîtrise en Droit des affaires (1988)
  • Pratique courante de l’anglais

Co-fondateur du Cabinet AUDALYS après une carrière de 23 ans dans un grand Cabinet français de droit des affaires (FIDAL), au sein duquel il a dirigé en dernier lieu un département de droit social.

Il conseille et assiste les entreprises dans le traitement des questions relevant de la gestion du personnel. Il a notamment accompagné des grands groupes et des PME dans la mise en œuvre de nombreux plans sociaux et des restructurations d’entreprise.

Chargé d’enseignement à la Faculté de droit de Cergy-Pontoise (DJCE) et ancien chargé d’enseignement à l’Université Paris II Panthéon Assas (magistère de juriste d’affaires).


Avocate associée

  • Avocate au Barreau de Paris (prestation de serment 2002)
  • DESS Droit des Relations de Travail en Entreprise, sous la Direction du Professeur Jean PELISSIER (1998) – Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
  • Maîtrise en Droit Social (1997)
  • Pratique courante de l’anglais

Co-fondatrice du Cabinet AUDALYS.

Dotée d’une solide expérience dans tous les domaines du droit social, acquise en entreprise puis au sein du département droit social d’un grand Cabinet d’avocats d’affaires (FIDAL), elle assiste, conseille et défend les intérêts des clients du Cabinet devant tous les tribunaux du territoire français.



  • Avocat au Barreau de Paris (prestation de serment 1996)
  • Mention de spécialisation en Droit du travail et en Droit de la Sécurité Sociale
  • Maitrise en Droit privé et DEA de sociologie du Droit et des Relations Sociales – Université Paris II Panthéon Assas
  • Pratique courante de l’anglais

Counsel au sein du Cabinet AUDALYS après avoir collaboré dans le département droit du travail d’un Cabinet d’avocats dédié aux opérations de capital investissement (Poitrinal & associés / Delloite & Touche – TAJ) puis d’un grand Cabinet de droit des affaires pendant 10 ans (FIDAL).

Elle assiste les clients du Cabinet dans le cadre de cessions ou d’acquisitions de sociétés (audits sociaux, analyse des conséquences sociales de l’opération envisagée, restructuration…).

Son expertise et son expérience tournées tant vers le conseil que vers le contentieux lui permettent de prendre en charge les diverses problématiques relevant du droit du travail.



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 1993)
  • DESS Droit des affaires (Specialised Higher Studies Diploma in Business Law)/Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise (Corporate Counselling Diploma – DJCE) Robert SCHUMAN University, Strasbourg (1989)
  • Masters in Business Law (1988)
  • Fluent in English

Co-founder of AUDALYS after a 23-year career in a large French business law firm (FIDAL), in which his last position was as the head of a labour law department. 

He advises and assists companies in connection with staff management issues. In particular, he has helped numerous major groups and SMEs to implement redundancy programmes and company reorganisations. 

Lecturer at Paris II Panthéon Assas University (magistère de juriste d’affaires) and at the Faculty of Law of Cergy Pontoise (DJCE).



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 2002)
  • DESS Droit des Relations de Travail en Entreprise (Specialised Higher Studies Diploma in Company Employment Relations Law), under the supervision of Professor Jean PELISSIER (1998) – Montesquieu Bordeaux IV University
  • Masters in Labour Law (1997)
  • Fluent in English

Co-founder of AUDALYS.

Possessing solid experience in all fields of labour law, acquired first in the corporate world and subsequently in the labour law department of a large business law firm (FIDAL), Sylvie Lamartinie can provide you with assistance and advice and defend your interests in all French courts.



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 1996)
  • Holder of specialist qualifications in Labour Law and Social Security and Social Protection Law
  • Masters in Private Law and DEA (advanced diploma) in the Sociology of Law and Labour Relations – Paris II Panthéon Assas University
  • Fluent in English

Counsel with AUDALYS after practising in the labour law department of a law firm specialising in private equity (Poitrinal&Associés/Deloitte&Touche-TAJ) and subsequently, in a large business law firm for 10 years (FIDAL).

She can assist you particularly with acquisitions or the sale of companies (labour audits, analysis of social and employment consequences of the operation in question, reorganisation…).

Thanks to her expertise and experience, she can handle all your labour law problems, whether you require advisory or litigation services.

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO


  • Avocat au Barreau de Paris (prestation de serment 2019)
  • Master II « Santé, Prévoyance et Protection sociale » délivré par l’Université Paris V (Descartes)
  • Pratique courante de l’anglais

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO a rejoint le cabinet en 2021 en qualité de collaborateur.

Fort de ses précédentes expériences en cabinets d’Avocats (Alérion, PDGB, KLA, Ascent) et auprès de la Chambre 6-12 de la Cour d’appel de Paris (spécialisée dans le contentieux de la sécurité sociale), Jean-Baptiste a développé une appétence particulière pour le contentieux social.

Jean-Baptiste assiste et représente les clients du cabinet AUDALYS dans les procédures précontentieuses et contentieuses devant les juridictions sociales.

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO


  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 2019)
  • Masters degree in « health, welfare and social security » from Paris V University (Descartes)
  • Fluent in English

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO joined the firm in 2021 as an associate.

With his previous experiences in law firms (Alérion, PDGB, KLA, Ascent) and at the 6-12 chamber of the Paris court of appeals (specialized in social security litigation), Jean-Baptiste has developped a strong interest in labour litigation.

Jean-Baptiste assists and represents the clients of the AUDALYS law firm in litigation and pre-litigation in front of the labour courts.



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 1993)
  • DESS Droit des affaires (Specialised Higher Studies Diploma in Business Law)/Diplôme de Juriste Conseil d’Entreprise (Corporate Counselling Diploma – DJCE) Robert SCHUMAN University, Strasbourg (1989)
  • Masters in Business Law (1988)
  • Fluent in English

Co-founder of AUDALYS after a 23-year career in a large French business law firm (FIDAL), in which his last position was as the head of a labour law department. 

He advises and assists companies in connection with staff management issues. In particular, he has helped numerous major groups and SMEs to implement redundancy programmes and company reorganisations. 

Lecturer at Paris II Panthéon Assas University (magistère de juriste d’affaires) and at the Faculty of Law of Cergy Pontoise (DJCE).



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 2002)
  • DESS Droit des Relations de Travail en Entreprise (Specialised Higher Studies Diploma in Company Employment Relations Law), under the supervision of Professor Jean PELISSIER (1998) – Montesquieu Bordeaux IV University
  • Masters in Labour Law (1997)
  • Fluent in English

Co-founder of AUDALYS.

Possessing solid experience in all fields of labour law, acquired first in the corporate world and subsequently in the labour law department of a large business law firm (FIDAL), Sylvie Lamartinie can provide you with assistance and advice and defend your interests in all French courts.



  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 1996)
  • Holder of specialist qualifications in Labour Law and Social Security and Social Protection Law
  • Masters in Private Law and DEA (advanced diploma) in the Sociology of Law and Labour Relations – Paris II Panthéon Assas University
  • Fluent in English

Counsel with AUDALYS after practising in the labour law department of a law firm specialising in private equity (Poitrinal&Associés/Deloitte&Touche-TAJ) and subsequently, in a large business law firm for 10 years (FIDAL).

She can assist you particularly with acquisitions or the sale of companies (labour audits, analysis of social and employment consequences of the operation in question, reorganisation…).

Thanks to her expertise and experience, she can handle all your labour law problems, whether you require advisory or litigation services.

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO


  • Lawyer at the Bar of Paris (sworn-in: 2019)
  • Masters degree in « health, welfare and social security » from Paris V University (Descartes)
  • Fluent in English

Jean-Baptiste CESSIO joined the firm in 2021 as an associate.

With his previous experiences in law firms (Alérion, PDGB, KLA, Ascent) and at the 6-12 chamber of the Paris court of appeals (specialized in social security litigation), Jean-Baptiste has developped a strong interest in labour litigation.

Jean-Baptiste assists and represents the clients of the AUDALYS law firm in litigation and pre-litigation in front of the labour courts.